Pontiac STEPS that Support Active Living

This program supports Pontiac residents by addressing the environmental conditions that impact active lifestyles through partnerships and capacity building for local organizations. OU will first address the most immediate needs for youth recreation, such as program...

Keep It Movin’ for LGBTQ+ Health

The Keep It Movin’ (KIM) program will address LGBTQ health disparities in hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. KIM will bring together nutrition and physical activity partners across Southeast Michigan to create an initiative that will prioritize long-term LGBTQ+...

Scaling FitKids360 Mentor Garden Program

The proposed project will scale and replicate the FitKids360 Youth Mentor Garden program to two additionalFitKids360 sites across the state, Southeast Michigan and Northern Michigan. Strengthening the programs impact to improve participants’ mental and physical health...

Muskegon County Creating Healthy Schools

The overall goal of this project is to decrease childhood obesity through sustainable, systemic change in Muskegon schools by equipping students with the necessary skills to make nutritious food choices and develop healthy eating habits. This project will build...

Student Voices for Healthy Choices

This project engages students who often have the highest health risk factors and gives them ownership over their own health and influences their school climate and health culture. Student Wellness Teams (SWT) consisting of fifth-to twelfth-grade students will...

Statewide dissemination and implementation of InPACT

In the 2020, the Health Fund awarded a planning grant to the University of Michigan (UM) to implement their interrupting Prolonged sitting with ACTivity (InPACT) program to address the negative health impacts associated with limited access to physical activity...

Michigan Active Communities

The Michigan Active Communities (MIAC) project aims to convene and prepare a multidisciplinary team across Michigan to pursue policy, system, and environmental (PSE) supports to increase access to physical activity opportunities. In building capacity at the local...

Breaking Barriers to Play

Advancing Macomb Foundation will implement a collaborative, cost sharing solution to lower the cost of in-town community and family-centered recreation programming. The programming will be made up of three components: 1.) core programming which includes 20 weeks of...

Remote Evolunteering Motivating Older Adults To Engage

This initiative will leverage previous Health Fund investments in an easy-to-use technology platform for older adults and will replicate a newly developed model for online volunteering. The goal is to reduce social isolation and loneliness by increasing the...

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