Past Grants

Student Voices for Healthy Choices

Award Amount $490,384


Year(s) 2022
Duration 2022


Counties Served Statewide

This project engages students who often have the highest health risk factors and gives them ownership over their own health and influences their school climate and health culture. Student Wellness Teams (SWT) consisting of fifth-to twelfth-grade students will implement targeted health programs within schools across the state. SWT’s will be tasked to identify student needs within the school community, explore prospective community partners, and evaluate how to incorporate community engagement into student health. CIS will not prescribe interventions to the students, instead, students will engage with their peers, gaining additional perspectives, to inform of the top health needs within the school community. Students will also consult local health experts to further develop themselves in managing health programs – gaining additional skills and strategies for driving the work within each respective school. Examples include working with professional trainers, health departments, nutritionists, or leaders of local health organizations.

ID: 2204-150228

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