YWCA Kalamazoo CHW Project for Survivors

To improve access to mental health and substance use disorder treatment for domestic violence and sexual assault (DVSA) survivors in Kalamazoo County, YWCA Kalamazoo will integrate Community Health Worker (CHW) services, certified training, and a specialized...

Building Generational Health and Health Equity in Ypsilanti

To empower Ypsilanti youth and address diet-related health disparities, Growing Hope’s Teen Leadership Program will engage teens in urban farming, cooking workshops, and leadership training. This initiative aims to build food justice leaders by equipping teens...

DPC Youth Council

To increase engagement and improve health outcomes among Detroit’s youth aged 15-24, the Detroit Parks Coalition will establish a Youth Council where young leaders will serve as park ambassadors, organizing events and promoting park usage through peer-led...

Expanding School-Based Grief Support

To address the behavioral health challenges faced by grieving children, New Hope Center for Grief Support will expand its service by introducing an eight-week grief support curriculum for elementary students. This expansion, piloted in schools across Wayne County,...

EEJC project fund of Encourage BC! Farmacy 2.0 Project

To address food insecurity and chronic disease in Battle Creek’s underserved neighborhoods, Farmacy 2.0 will transform its pop-up market into a permanent, community-led corner store, supplied by local farmers that prioritizes local food sourcing and health...

Modeling Sustainable and Scalable Integrated Team Care

Following the success of a 2023 Health Fund grant, which significantly increased caseloads for CHWs due to integrated data between healthcare partners, this grant will expand a care coordination network to meet the rising demand exacerbated by increased accreditation...

Trauma-Informed Leadership for Trauma-Focused Agencies

MCNCA has experienced a surge in Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) directors resigning due to burnout and organizational challenges, prompting an initiative to enhance leadership capacity and wellbeing for CAC directors.  This multifaceted approach will address burnout...

Building Evaluation Capacity: CRS Moms’ Circles in Detroit

Children of the Rising Sun (CRS), a childcare provider located in Detroit’s Brightmoor community offers vital support to caregivers through Moms’ Circles. CHRT’s collaboration with CRS aims to enhance the Moms’ Circles program by providing...

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