Michigan’s Qualified Interpreter Program: Census

To strengthen interpreter services for Michigan’s Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf Disabled community, this project will assess the interpreter workforce and the barriers to accessing critical services. Through a statewide census and data analysis, partners...

Detroit Youth Mental Wellness & Resilience Collaborative

Detroit’s youth are facing escalating mental health challenges, with nearly half experiencing anxiety, depression, or trauma exacerbated by exposure to violence and poverty, along with limited access to services. This project aims to bridge these gaps by...

YWCA Kalamazoo CHW Project for Survivors

To improve access to mental health and substance use disorder treatment for domestic violence and sexual assault (DVSA) survivors in Kalamazoo County, YWCA Kalamazoo will integrate Community Health Worker (CHW) services, certified training, and a specialized...

Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) Expansion

To enhance care for patients with substance use disorder, Bronson Health will expand access to Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) by integrating it into inpatient medical and primary care settings. The project will adapt MOUD protocols, educate providers, and...

Wellbeing with Implant-Overdentures for Michigan Seniors

To improve the oral health and well-being of older adults with ill-fitting dentures, the Michigan Community Dental Clinics (MCDC), in partnership with the University of Michigan, will offer implant overdentures, a treatment that uses small implants to secure dentures...

NAVIGATE: A First Psychosis Experience Demonstration Project

To reduce unnecessary psychiatric hospitalizations and improve well-being for young Black and Hispanic adults experiencing their first episode of psychosis, this project implements the NAVIGATE program in Detroit. The project will train three NAVIGATE teams across...

Zero Overdose Training Program

To reduce accidental overdose deaths in Southeast Michigan, CNS Healthcare will enhance substance use disorder services by training clinical staff in overdose safety planning. In partnership with Zero Overdose, the project will develop and implement the training,...

Increasing Family Support of LGBTQ2S+ Youth

To reduce mental health risks among LGBTQ2S+ youth, the Ruth Ellis Center (REC) will enhance caregiver acceptance through the Youth Acceptance Project (YAP). Staff will be trained in evidence-based interventions, with a focus on improving health outcomes for LGBTQ2S+...

Community-Based Suicide Awareness & Intervention Training

To address rising suicide rates in the Great Lakes Bay Region, this project implements LivingWorks ASIST and safeTALK training programs designed to equip mutli-disciplinary professionals with suicide prevention skills. By providing training for educators, healthcare...

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