This project will help transform Michigan’s Behavioral Health Emergency Response through facilitation of cross system communication and collaboration to ensure there is ‘no wrong door’ for accessing emergency behavioral health care. The project will enhance the...
To accelerate progress made by hospital community benefit programs, scale efforts statewide, and coalesce around solving difficult and persistent health problems, MHA will deploy a core set of standard interventions within Michigan hospitals and health systems to...
In 2021, Kalamazoo declared gun violence a public health crisis, prompting the development of the Blueprint for Peace, a data-driven strategy aimed at reducing violence through community engagement and targeted investments in priority neighborhoods. The project...
Detroit’s youth are facing escalating mental health challenges, with nearly half experiencing anxiety, depression, or trauma exacerbated by exposure to violence and poverty, along with limited access to services. This project aims to bridge these gaps by...
After a successful collaborative grant and process, The Kent County Health Department (KCHD) plans to utilize Health Fund support to provide mini-grants to community-based organizations (CBOs) focused on priority health issues and community health equity, particularly...
Oakland County is facing challenges in providing adequate medical care for children who remain in their homes after experiencing abuse, as they often lack timely evaluations compared to those in foster care. This project aims to improve care delivery by establishing a...
To enhance the quality of life for people living with dementia and their caregivers, Holland Home will expand its VOICE program beyond its residents into the broader community. The initiative will provide support groups, dementia care training, and one-on-one...
This project will provide support for health-related programming at the Council of Michigan Foundations’ annual conference, with the goal of convening and increasing collaboration among health-focused foundations in Michigan.
Through this project, the West Michigan Human Trafficking Coalition (WMHTC) aims to rebuild and re-energize its collective efforts after the disbandment of its backbone organization, focusing on education, health care, victim services, criminal justice, and training...