The Kent County Eviction Prevention Task Force, comprised of various community partners, aims to reduce the high rate of eviction filings by addressing underlying issues causing rent arrears, particularly for families with children facing health-related challenges....
This proposal will accelerate the development of the infrastructure needed to support statewide contracting for the Area Agencies on Aging, which will lead to more and higher quality services for older adults living in Michigan communities for years to come.
To address systemic barriers to breastfeeding among marginalized communities, particularly young parents and Black individuals in Berrien County, the Michigan Organization on Adolescent Sexual Health (MOASH) and its partners propose a multi-tiered youth engagement...
Through this grant, Housing Kent plans to implement a predictive data system to proactively identify households at risk of eviction or homelessness, aiming to address root causes, prevent negative health impacts, and foster community resilience through comprehensive...
This project aims to address the growing needs of older Asian and Latino Americans in Michigan, particularly concerning dementia and depression, by building a collaborative network among service providers and institutional leaders. The project seeks to develop...
Support a collaborative funding effort that will prepare three schools in Houghton County to implement and sustain farm to school programs to increase availability of fresh, local produce during the school day. This funding will provide technical support to establish...
This project will provide support for health-related programming at the Council of Michigan Foundations’ annual conference, with the goal of convening and increasing collaboration among health-focused foundations in Michigan.
Due to disruptions in healthcare operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency departments have become important access points for HIV/STI testing. Initially focused on the high-need area of Southeast Michigan, this collaborative will bring together healthcare...
This initiative aims to address health disparities in pediatric care in Michigan by forming a Pediatric Health Equity (PHE) collaborative network of community health systems and hospitals. Building off a 2022 Health Fund project that explored issues in child health...