To address the ongoing opioid crisis in Genesee County, this project will implement a multi-sector strategy to integrate care and treatment services that connect individuals with substance use disorders with providers, community-based recovery and addiction treatment programs, and other resources. The Greater Flint Health Coalition will engage the community to expand existing programs, such as the Opiate Overdose Recovery Program and the Families Against Narcotics’ Hope Not Handcuffs program; develop and distribute a toolkit for providers that incorporate best practices guidelines for prescribing opioids; and provide community-based education and prevention activities through schools, providers, law enforcement, and resident groups that are specifically geared toward adolescents, adults, and families.
Past Grants
Genesee County Community-Wide Strategy to Address the Opioid Epidemic
Award Amount $499,950
Year(s) 2018
Duration 2018
Counties Served Genesee
ID: 1804-143026
Greater Flint Health Coalition