This project will increase access to prevention and early invention services for infants and early childhood providers by supporting the implementation of virtual infant and early childhood mental health consultation (IECMHC) to licensed and registered childcare...
HandsAcross the Water aims to enhance staff stability and retention by implementinga multi-level approach to address turnover, particularly among non-whiteemployees, as a stable connection with a single caseworker significantly boostsa young person’s chances of...
This request seeks to enhance Guiding Harbor’s capacity by providing staff with trauma-informed care training through a two-day, on-site session from Starr Commonwealth, centered on the Circle of Courage model. This training will equip staff to better support...
In response to needs cited by parents and families experiencing chronic stress and financial barriers that hinder access to therapy, The Shul created a free parent education symposium, which has evolved into the “Positive Parenting” program. This new...
To accelerate progress made by hospital community benefit programs, scale efforts statewide, and coalesce around solving difficult and persistent health problems, MHA will deploy a core set of standard interventions within Michigan hospitals and health systems to...
This project will help transform Michigan’s Behavioral Health Emergency Response through facilitation of cross system communication and collaboration to ensure there is ‘no wrong door’ for accessing emergency behavioral health care. The project will enhance the...
To reduce youth incarceration, this project will assist eight Michigan counties in identifying evidence-based community programs for justice-involved youth. By partnering with a resource specialist and engaging local stakeholders, the project will help identify,...
Detroit’s youth are facing escalating mental health challenges, with nearly half experiencing anxiety, depression, or trauma exacerbated by exposure to violence and poverty, along with limited access to services. This project aims to bridge these gaps by...
To improve access to supportive housing for individuals experiencing chronic homelessness and co-occurring behavioral health conditions, this project will implement regional pilot programs across Michigan. By providing technical assistance, building capacity, and...