This project will expand an evidence-based fruit and vegetable prescription programs to a prenatal population. Michigan State University and its partners will gather health outcomes data to demonstrate the return on investment and inform policy conversations for fresh...
GenesisHOPE will establish a community-based “hub coordination” response system to address social determinants of health, manage chronic disease, and increase access to social and health services in the Greater Villages community in Detroit which includes the...
This pilot program will create a replicable, sustainable model for Michigan Federal Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) to integrate food prescription programs into their slate of comprehensive services. Food Bank Council of Michigan will use results of the pilot program...
The project will improve child health outcomes and reduce food insecurity by integrating food delivery and nutrition education in pediatric care delivery. Henry Ford Health System will partner with Gleaners Community Food Bank to deliver groceries to 250 families...
This community-based program addresses the adverse health outcomes caused by childhood food insecurity by strengthening connections between communities, local clinics, farmers’ markets, grocery stores, transportation systems, and health educators. The Capital...
This project will evaluate an existing pediatric fruit and vegetable prescription program in Flint to understand the efficacy and long-term impacts of the program and inform future policy development to fund and sustain produce prescription programs. Michigan State...
The Project Health Community (PHC) Fresh Prescription Program will decrease the risk of preventable chronic disease in families by providing fresh vegetables and fruit to the families in the PHC’s Family Wellness Center and school-based and camp nutrition...
Henry Ford Health System will expand Fresh Prescription, a fruit and vegetable prescription program for Detroit seniors, and collect data to support the program’s model of improving food access, eating habits, and health outcomes. This grant will increase the...
This program builds on a successful community pilot that provided culinary education and increased the consumption and accessibility of fruits and vegetables among adults in Muskegon with chronic lifestyle diseases. The expanded program will include additional senior...