Healthy Aging Care Coordination

To improve access to preventative healthcare for older adults in rural communities across the Upper Peninsula, the Upper Great Lakes Family Health Center will expand care coordination services through cancer screenings, wellness visits, and pharmacist consultations at...

Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Program

To address the shortage of outpatient behavioral health services for adolescents, MyMichigan Health will launch an Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Program. The program will offer evidence-based therapies, group therapy, educational sessions, medication management, and...

Integrated Care for Pregnant Women with OUD/SUD

Through this project, Beaumont Health Foundation (Beaumont) and Michigan Medicine will improve pharmacological therapy and mental health support for pregnant women in the antepartum period, during delivery, and upto a year postpartum with the goal of preventing or...

Optimize Medication Therapy Management for Seniors

This project will improve medication management among older adults with diabetes and hypertension by virtually embedding pharmacists into patient care teams and enhancing patient-pharmacist-physician communication. As telehealth visits increase, this program will...

ARM4Health (Achieving the Right Medications for Health)

This initiative will improve the health and quality of life for older adults by ensuring that prescribed medications are necessary and appropriate. Partners will improve organizational policies and practices around prescribing and deprescribing patterns, integrate...

The Power of Understanding: Health Literacy & Older Adults

This project will focus on health literacy to improve medication management among older adults with chronic disease. The project partners will develop and pilot a health literacy provider training program that will improve the capacity of PACE care team members to...

Healthy Lifetime: Building Resilience to Age in Place

Healthy Lifetime is a personalized, virtual program that empowers older adults to maintain independence by focusing on communication skills, health habits, medication adherence, and problem-solving. This grant will expand the program into Medicaid’s home and...

4M4ME – Improving Medication Use for Healthy Aging

The Michigan Health Improvement Alliance will convene local partners to develop a sustainable plan and policy recommendations to reduce overprescribing and/or unnecessary, inappropriate medication use among older adults. During the planning phase, MiHIA will partner...

Primary Health Care & Rx @ Home

Region VII Area Agency on Aging will design a new reimbursable service to provide preventative health care and pharmacy benefits to home-bound older adults in rural areas who do not have adequate access to a primary care physician and may rely on emergency rooms for...

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