Past Grants

Making Telehealth Accessible for Michigan’s Central UP

Award Amount $149,954


Year(s) 2023
Duration 2023


Counties Served Alger , Delta , Dickinson , Marquette , Menominee , Schoolcraft

Connected Nation Michigan (CN Michigan) and the Central U.P. Planning and Development (CUPPAD) Regional Commission will conduct a telehealth study in the central Upper Peninsula. As part of the project, they hope to foster greater equity by enabling broadband for telemedicine and support distance learning and remote worker development. CN Michigan and its partners will create a report outlining the findings from these outreach efforts and best practices and actionable steps that CUPPAD can take to achieve the goals outlined in its Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and Non-Emergency Transportation Study.

Connected Nation, Inc.



ID: 2302-151520


Connected Nation, Inc.

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