Affordable Assisted Living for Low & Moderate Income Seniors

This project will examine ways to develop and sustain Affordable Assisted Living in communities across Michigan. Partners will use currently available payment mechanisms to pilot a model, and if successful, will share the model with other providers across the state. ...

Successful Nutrition Programs Across the Lifespan: A Roadmap

This initiative will address malnutrition, equity, and food insecurity across the lifespan by creating a roadmap and web-based facilitation guide for communities to address deficiencies and inequities in nutrition and healthy lifestyle options for their residents. The...

Coordinated Food Delivery Systems

The Caregiving Collaborative Network – Metro Detroit will bring together 15-30 public and private organizations to create an integrated and coordinated infrastructure that fosters and supports improved nutrition practices, healthy lifestyle behaviors, and...

Closer to Care

This project aims to improve accessibility and quality of mental health care services. The Grand Rapids African American Health Institute will develop a toolkit for mental health centers, create a mental health mobile app, offer cultural humility training for...

Community Integrated Paramedicine Infrastructure Improvements

MDHHS will address two significant barriers to implementing Community Integrated Paramedicine (CIP) programs: lack of CIP specific education and inadequate clinical data collection. MDHHS will develop and pilot training programs in community colleges and other...

Social Isolation and Loneliness Reduction Project

This pilot project will train pharmacists to screen older adults for social isolation and connect those adults to community resources through the person’s primary medical home.  iMPROve Health 1906-144702 2019

Creating a Caregiver Corps in Livingston County

This project will create a toolkit to help local organizations recruit, train, and sustain volunteer caregivers and prepare those caregivers to provide in-home care to frail elders who need assistance with Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs), including...

Students at PACE

This project aims to increase the number of aging services professionals exposing students at the Central Michigan University School of Medicine to careers in gerontology and aging services. Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Foundation will place future health...

Genesee County Community-Wide Strategy to Address the Opioid Epidemic

To address the ongoing opioid crisis in Genesee County, this project will implement a multi-sector strategy to integrate care and treatment services that connect individuals with substance use disorders with providers, community-based recovery and addiction treatment...

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