What 2021 taught us
“A Year of Growth” is a review of 2021 at the Health Fund, including some of the grants, reports, and collaborations that most inspired us throughout the year.
“A Year of Growth” is a review of 2021 at the Health Fund, including some of the grants, reports, and collaborations that most inspired us throughout the year.
Check out our 2020 annual report for information on our grantmaking, including a rapid response telehealth program.
“A Year Like No Other” is a review of 2020 at the Health Fund, from grantmaking and reports to media highlights and insights from our staff.
Check out our 2019 annual report for information on our grantmaking, our capacity building efforts, and a couple influential reports.
“A Year in Health” illustrates some of ways we learned from our partners and spread the word about their work, from studying behavioral healthcare access to investing in health journalism.
Check out our 2018 annual report for information on our grantmaking, our investments in evaluation, and how our grant partners see us!
Read about our latest grants in Healthy Aging and Special Projects & Emerging Ideas.
2016 was a transformative year for the Michigan Health Endowment Fund. We nearly doubled our grantmaking from 2015, awarding upwards of $21 million to support a healthier Michigan. Read more in our annual report, “Sparking Ideas, Engaging Communities.”
Learn about six projects across Michigan helping to combat the opioid epidemic.