NURSES: A Program for Future Registered Nurses

MPCA will facilitate partnerships between universities and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) to provide nursing students with opportunities to train in underserved areas. The 60 clinical and 30 internship opportunities support...


The ReGrow program will address food insecurity by leveraging rescued surplus ingredients and fresh produce from a local nonprofit farm to create healthy meals for hungry families, constructed by teens and adults learning culinary job skills and distributed through...

Launching the MI Health Interoperability Virtual eLaboratory

The Interoperability Institute, in collaboration with several Michigan universities, is spearheading the creation of the Michigan Health Interoperability Virtual eLaboratory (MiHIVE) to equip graduates with the necessary skills for entering health-IT careers. The...

MAP- A sustainable preschool health intervention

Motor skills At Playtime (MAP) is an evidence-based intervention designed to promote positive developmental health in preschoolers (3-5 years) who are at-risk for future health disparities, implemented by teachers during standard playtime at preschool centers....

Sustaining Quality Physical Education for Healthy Kids

This project will promote physical education teachers’ content knowledge, educational skills, and dispositions for implementing Quality Physical Education (QPE) in schools statewide, specifically to address the negative health impacts of physical inactivity for...

Improving access to adolescent ASD and ADHD testing

Pine Rest will form a multidisciplinary team approach for triaging patients and providing testing services that includes the utilization of psychometrists, and ensuring patients are matched to appropriate services with the right provider. Additionally, Pine Rest will...

Integrated Health Services for Detroit Youth

BGCSM will launch the Integrated Health Services for Detroit Youth program, a synergistic partnership across higher education institutions, a major health system, and a regional youth services provider. BGCSM will partner with Wayne State University to create six...

Michigan’s Role in a Multi-State Crisis Continuum Co-op

This grant will position Michigan’s participation in the multi-state crisis continuum co-op to amplify efforts in creating a “systems approach” to developing a continuum of crisis care. Wayne State University’s CBHJ will work as Michigan’s nongovernmental organization...

Doulas Improving Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes

Implementation of a community-based doula program targeting Medicaid-eligible pregnant women in Bay and Saginaw counties. Culturally relevant training for local doula recruits to eventually provide non-clinical emotional, physical, and informational support to...

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