CCBHC Demonstration Expansion Technical Assistance & Support

MDHHS aims to establish a technical assistance system to aid SAMHSA Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Grantees in transitioning to CCBHC Demonstration sites. CCBHC demonstration sites undergo a more standardized certification and monitoring process...

Practice-based path to social work licensure

This project aims to address the shortage of Licensed Master of Social Work (LMSW) professionals and the demographic disparities in the social work workforce throughout Michigan. The project will shift focus from a test-based approach to social work licensure to...

Administrative Burden Relief for Mental Health System

This project aims to examine and eliminate non-essential administrative and paperwork demands that lead to complex and delayed access to mental health services, inflate the cost of care, and hinder recruitment and retention efforts. Partners will collaboratively form...

Behavioral Health & Housing Supports for Homeless Youth

This project addresses the significant mental health challenges experienced by homeless youth in Michigan. The initiative aims to explore the impact of providing 365 days of prevention and aftercare behavioral health services to runaway and homeless youth (RHY) in...

A Michigan Leadership Team to Improve Nursing Home Quality

This program aims to overcome nursing home quality challenges through the formation of a Michigan State Leadership Team, focusing on teamwork, quality improvement, and health equity in local nursing homes. Leveraging work initiated by the Moving Forward Coalition and...

Food Systems Plan Adoption and Implementation

The Kent County Food Policy Council (KCFPC) will engage with Kent County local government bodies to develop a clear roadmap by which the community can address the food inequities that are present. A 2022 Capacity Building grant funding the creation of the Food System...

Elevating Voices & Growing Recreation in Areas of Concern

In Michigan, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) distributes Areas of Concern (AOC) funding to the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE). EGLE then works with local AOC public advisory councils (PACs) to identify plans that can be funded...

Feeding MI Families Community Food Advocacy Fellowship

This project is the expansion of a pilot program in Detroit and supports additional Michigan parents with lived experience of hunger to be advocates for improved food access and food assistance in their communities through policy engagement, program change, and...

Western Upper Peninsula Farm to School Phase 2

This proposal is the second phase of a 2021 CHI grant to build upon this existing work among stakeholders to now focus on institutionalizing capacity building and training to increase procurement of local food in two school districts: Copper Country Intermediate...

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