Serving foster clients through better staff retention

HandsAcross the Water aims to enhance staff stability and retention by implementinga multi-level approach to address turnover, particularly among non-whiteemployees, as a stable connection with a single caseworker significantly boostsa young person’s chances of...

Guiding Harbor Trauma Informed Care

This request seeks to enhance Guiding Harbor’s capacity by providing staff with trauma-informed care training through a two-day, on-site session from Starr Commonwealth, centered on the Circle of Courage model. This training will equip staff to better support...

Technology Improvements for Care Free Medical and Optometry

Care Free Medical, Lansing’s second-largest safety-net provider, focuses heavily on managing mental health conditions, with nearly half of its daily visits addressing issues like anxiety, depression, and PTSD. To meet the reporting requirements for its upcoming...

Archaic to Modern: Organization Infrastructure Improvements

AgeWell Services’ Discount Dine program, which offers healthy food at discounted rates while preserving dignity in access, serves older adults in their community. To enhance accessibility, AgeWell Services will implement new technology and processes to...

Leadership Development to Build Organizational Capacity

This grant will support Gogebic Range Health Foundation’s Executive Director and board members in their professional development, enhancing their skills in health promotion, project management, strategic planning, and community engagement. The funding will...

Enhancing Access, Inclusivity, and Efficacy in CHW Training

Since 2011, MiCHWA has been instrumental in integrating community health workers (CHWs) into Michigan’s health systems, enhancing access to services and improving cultural competence. To further this mission, MiCHWA will upgrade its curriculum for CHW...

Growing Farmers Markets in the Western Upper Peninsula

From the Ground Farmers Market Collective promotes health and nutrition through educational programs that encourage community members to grow, eat, and preserve seasonal whole foods while supporting environmental stewardship and local economies. The project will...

Enhancing Health Nonprofit Capacities with Shared Services

United Way of Marquette County (UWMC) seeks to enhance nonprofit health services in Marquette County by implementing a “Shared Services” model that centralizes essential functions for five to seven health-focused nonprofits facing resource challenges....

Juvenile Justice System Reform and Reinvestment Initiative

To reduce youth incarceration, this project will assist eight Michigan counties in identifying evidence-based community programs for justice-involved youth. By partnering with a resource specialist and engaging local stakeholders, the project will help identify,...

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