Breaking Barriers: Enhancing Access to Adaptive Sports

To support the physical and social well-being of people with disabilities, Mary Free Bed will expand its inclusive sports programs, including Goalball, Wheelchair Lacrosse, and a Junior Limb Difference Sports Camp, making them permanent offerings under their...

Imlay City Pathway Extension Project

To improve health and access to essential services in Imlay City, the Pathway Extension Project will design and plan four new, connected pathways that enhance non-motorized travel options for residents. This initiative aims to create safe walking routes that connect...

Regional Food Hub Creation

To improve local food systems and increase food security, Lakeshore Food Club will develop a regional food hub, a network that facilitates processing, storage, and distribution of locally grown produce. This initiative will engage community members through advisory...

Building Generational Health and Health Equity in Ypsilanti

To empower Ypsilanti youth and address diet-related health disparities, Growing Hope’s Teen Leadership Program will engage teens in urban farming, cooking workshops, and leadership training. This initiative aims to build food justice leaders by equipping teens...

DPC Youth Council

To increase engagement and improve health outcomes among Detroit’s youth aged 15-24, the Detroit Parks Coalition will establish a Youth Council where young leaders will serve as park ambassadors, organizing events and promoting park usage through peer-led...

BRC: Addressing Barriers to Distributing Fresh Food

To improve food security across Michigan, Groundwork Center will collaborate with local farmers and food providers to increase the availability of nutritious food at 50 community sites statewide. This initiative will provide tailored technical assistance, empowering...

Building a Sustainable, Equitable Food System

To address food insecurity and improve food systems in Muskegon County, the Lakeshore Flavor partnership will establish the Muskegon Food Policy Council. This initiative will provide culturally relevant nutrition education, prioritize urban farming, and enhance...

Burton Trails System

To create a more connected and walkable community in the City of Burton, the non-motorized trails project will design nine miles of trails linking underserved neighborhoods to schools, parks, grocery stores, and other essential services. This initiative will enhance...

MI Trails: Explore. Connect. Thrive.

To bridge health disparities and enhance access to outdoor recreation, the Michigan Trails & Greenways Alliance will develop a comprehensive statewide trail network plan, MI Trails 2050, with a focus on underserved communities. This initiative will engage diverse...

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