Aging – everyone is doing it.
In fact, by 2030, one-in-four Michiganders will be over the age of 60, and the fastest growing age demographic is women over the age of 85. And while people are living longer, more than 40 percent of older adults are overweight, 80 percent have at least one chronic condition, and nearly half of all individuals over age 85 have some form of dementia.
We know there is an ever-increasing need for aging programs and services, and our current network is not prepared for an influx of older adults into the system. We must collectively find ways to continue to support individuals so they can maintain—or regain— their independence and health as they age.
That’s why we are excited to announce the launch of our first proactive Healthy Aging grant round!
The aim of this initiative is to improve access and availability of integrated, comprehensive services for older adults that are delivered in a person-centered way. To facilitate these improvements, we want to support strategies and service delivery models that integrate aging services into other health systems; develop innovative approaches through technology or nontraditional partnerships; increase access to preventative services; and promote healthy behaviors and achieve health outcomes.
You can learn more by checking out the full Request for Proposals [PDF], visiting our FAQ page, or giving us a call at 517-374-0031. While a letter of intent (LOI) is not required, you are welcome to submit a brief one-page concept paper for review prior to your grant submission by emailing it to [email protected] no later than August 1st. Grant applications are due Monday, August 15 at 5:00pm, so make sure to get your questions answered early.