Past Grants

Expand and Restarting Pop-Up Markets

Award Amount $20,000


Year(s) 2021
Duration 2021


Counties Served Wayne

Prior to the Covid pandemic, Micah 6 Community and their produce store, Sprout Fresh Food Store, operated six pop-up markets around the city of Pontiac with the goal of servicing high-risk populations. These markets were located within two senior centers, Community Housing Network, OLHSA (Head Start provider), the Pontiac Public Library, and Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital. These six pop-up markets served seniors, low-income families, children, and the homeless where they already were attending different programs at these locations. On average, these produce markets were serving ~720 customers a week. During the growing season, the produce is largely sourced from local farms around Oakland County. These farms source the store with produce at no cost so that they can sell at a reduced cost, often for less than half the price of the nearest large box store. Micah 6/Sprout Market is a partner in the Oakland University Fresh Rx work and aims to grow their organization through partnership development and capacity building in the next five years. This grant will support the resources necessary to re-start the in-person markets at the Bowen Senior Center, Community Housing Network, Ruth Peterson Senior Center, the Pontiac Public Library, OLSHA Head Start and St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Pontiac.  

ID: 2110-149230

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