Urban Homestead Hub

The program will support community workshops that teach skills on urban farming methods, composting, food preservation, etc., and will provide participants with resource assistance to execute the skills they learned at the Urban Homestead Hub. The program will also...

Whole Child Nutrition: Policy, Infrastructure, Food Literacy

This is a comprehensive project addressing food insecurity, nutrition, and school wellness in four rural counties in Michigan. The project will implement the Whole School, Whole Community and Whole Child Model, implement 10 Cents a Meal across four counties, and...

Citizen Deliberation for Healthy Neighborhoods

This program is the second phase of WSU’s previous Health Fund award Citizenship for Health, that used a deliberation framework to create a community-driven program focused on improving health and specifically, diet and physical activity in the HOPE Village...

Zaman Wellness Center

Zaman International plans to expand healthcare services by establishing a clinic at the Hope for Humanity Center in Inkster. The clinic will focus on primary care, prevention, chronic disease management, and behavioral health support, catering to marginalized women...

MHICC: Building Capacity for Connection & Care

The Mental Health Improvement through Community Colleges (MHICC) project will expand access to mental health resources for students enrolled in Michigan’s 31 community and tribal colleges (CCs) by developing and disseminating a centralized technical assistance...

Feeding MI Families Community Food Advocacy Fellowship

This project is the expansion of a pilot program in Detroit and supports additional Michigan parents with lived experience of hunger to be advocates for improved food access and food assistance in their communities through policy engagement, program change, and...

Western Upper Peninsula Farm to School Phase 2

This proposal is the second phase of a 2021 CHI grant to build upon this existing work among stakeholders to now focus on institutionalizing capacity building and training to increase procurement of local food in two school districts: Copper Country Intermediate...

IT Security and Capacity Building

Health Net, a bridge organization connecting healthcare and community resources, is addressing vulnerabilities in its IT infrastructure identified through a recent security risk assessment. Working with Vista IT Group, they will implement remediation measures,...

Improving Detroit Parks through Community-Centered Planning

The City of Detroit aims to improve the built environment of Detroit parks to increase access to greenspace and promote physical activity through planning and community engagement efforts. Rouge Park, Eliza Howell Park, Farwell Park, and O’Hair Park were selected to...

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